In the aftermath of her catastrophic encounter with the Duke, Bianca’s disturbance is reflected in the fights she picks with the mother of her husband Leantio. Previously quiescent, she now attacks and scorns the woman who has made her welcome. In the aftermath of their latest confrontation, the astonished mother-in-law expresses to us her consternation at this sudden transformation of character.
Modern transcription:
I would my son would either keep at home,
Or I were in my grave.
She was but one day abroad, but ever since
She’s grown so cutted there’s no speaking to her.
Whether the sight of great cheer at my lady’s 5
And such mean fare at home work discontent in her
I know not; but I’m sure she’s strangely altered.
I’ll ne’er keep daughter-in-law i’th’ house with me
Again, if I had an hundred. When read I of any
That agreed long together, but she and her mother 10
Fell out in the first quarter? – nay, sometime
A grudging of a scolding the first week, by’r Lady.
So takes the new disease, methinks, in my house.
I’m weary of my part. There’s nothing likes her.
I know not to please her here o’late. 15
And here she comes.

WRITTEN By Tho. Middleton, Gent.